Leprosy ulcers healed by wheatgrass extract

Leprosy Ulcer Study, India 2020-21 Introduction Leprosy, caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae, frequently affects skin and peripheral nerves, predisposing the skin to the formation of indolent, incurable ulceration, particularly of the hands and feet. As the affected skin is anaesthetised, the patient is unable to feel the pain. Once…

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FEVER: Wheatgrass extract applied to neck drops temperature

This symptom is very common in general practice. There are numerous possible causes, but in family practice it mainly occurs in young children, the cause usually being a viral infection. Paracetamol, (Panadol, Tylenol), can help reduce temperature and ease pain, but it usually only lasts for several hours. High fever….

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SKIN GRAFT HEALING: Accelerated by wheatgrass extract

This skin graft has been treated by orthodox methods for six weeks. Clearly, it is healing very slowly and has an unhealthy, poorly perfused surface due to inadequate blood supply. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1. Skin graft before wheatgrass Wheatgrass extract was then applied to the wound surface. Only 2 days…

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Bites and stings testimonials (10)

I was with a client last week and while we were talking he was stung on his finger by a bee. He said he was allergic and his hand was going to swell badly. I had some wheatgrass Burnspray with me. I removed the stinger and applied some Burnspray. He…

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Wheatgrass for mouth ulcers (Canker sores)

Published on Feb 13, 2014 Stress or mouth ulcers are troublesome and painful and in most cases do not respond to treatment. However, Dr. Chris Reynolds aka Dr Wheatgrass has found wheatgrass to be very useful in the treatment of this condition. Wheatgrass is also very safe to put in…

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Multiple sclerosis (5 testimonials)

Here is a detailed letter/update as to my condition and what I hope Wheatgrass will assist me with. History: I have been diagnosed with MS since 2001 at the age of 19. I have regularly experienced the follwing symptoms: Extreme Fatigue Lack of feeling (mainly in my hands and arms…

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DIABETIC WOUNDS: Healed by wheatgrass extract

A difficult, complicated wound-healing challenge This 55 y.o. non-insulin dependent diabetic female suffered a severe injury to her knee. After closure with 26 sutures (stitches), the wound soon became infected and re-opened as shown in the top photo. After two weeks’ standard treatment, most of the sutures had ruptured causing severe…

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