Wheatgrass extract - A remarkable natural medicine

Dr. Chris
Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.

Welcome to my website.

Here, you can read about the remarkable healing properties of a wheatgrass extract I have used therapeutically since 1995. (For instance, the extract is remarkable for healing wounds and for treating many medical conditions, often working when conventional treatments have failed. Its remarkable therapeutic ability depends on the numerous ligands it contains, that accelerate the healing of injuries and many illnesses. Because there are no side effects, children and infants can benefit equally. 

Only small doses or light applications are required in order to attain recovery from many conditions, for instance, apply the extract lightly to affected skin areas every second day - and persevere. The wheatgrass extract is a remarkable natural healing treatment. (Animals can benefit, also.)

For much more information about how therapeutically effective wheatgrass extract can be, please go to this list.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.
Queensland, Australia.

Read what some other doctors have to say about the therapeutic benefits of wheatgrass extract.


Read how wheatgrass extract successfully treats many medical conditions and injuries - e.g. molluscum contagiosum 


View clinical and laboratory studies supporting my reasons for recommending wheatgrass extract for healing.

    Because of the way the extract works, even a small amount of wheatgrass extract can do much to assist recovery of many injuries and medical conditions. (View some of them here.
  • How does it work? Probably by re-activating damaged or dysfunctional cellular receptors, throughout the body, that, for some reason e.g. injury, infection etc. have been disconnected from the brain.
    Apply the extract LIGHTLY over painful and/or damaged skin, injuries and in painful areas (whatever the cause), or take the extract for internal problems. For most conditions and injuries, you shouldn't need to apply or take the extract every day. In fact, TWO OR THREE TIMES A WEEK is an adequate dosage, whatever the patient's age and in most cases. However, if YOU'RE USING THE EXTRACT TO TREAT PAIN, apply it lightly and more frequently if required, until the pain eases. For common viral skin conditions such as molluscum contagiosum, apply just twice weekly, (say Monday & Thursday). It is wasteful to over treat.
  • For LONG-STANDING (CHRONIC) SKIN CONDITIONS such as leg ulcers, psoriasis and eczema, apply the extract just ONCE A WEEK - and persevere. It works much better that way.
  • BE PATIENT AND GIVE THE EXTRACT TIME TO DO ITS JOB. Most often, it works well, but if you have suffered from your condition for a long time, it may take a while to heal - so try to persevere.
    For instance, when assisting a patient with topical steroid withdrawal (which frequently happens after coming off these severe skin-damaging drugs), you may have to persevere with the wheatgrass extract for several months, or even longer, to restore the skin to normal. 
  • Last, but not least, contact me if you need more information. (This is a free service with no strings.)

    Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. (Australia)

WG Cases

View many conditions treated successfully with wheatgrass extract.