Hailey Hailey disease is a rare condition characterized by outbreaks of painful rashes and blistering of the skin, mostly in the armpits, groin, neck, under the breasts, and between the buttocks. The blisters can break and sometimes become infected and raw in a seemingly unending cycle of outbreaks. Microscopically the lesions show a "dilapidated brick wall" appearance in the epidermis.
This patient had suffered from severe pain for many years. Also, she had been treated with topical steroids most of this time and became addicted to them. After contacting me, she began applying wheatgrass extract to her widespread damaged skin once a week. After just one month, the dark, patchy rash had diffused into homogeneous, mild inflammation. As can be seen in the bottom picture, her skin has completely recovered, not only from the topical steroid damage, but also from the Hailey Hailey condition.

9 April, 2017 - pre daily wheatgrass treatment. Patient in severe, chronic pain. Ulceration of skin, open wounds, marked inflammaton.

The same patient just 10 days after the first wheatgrass extract application. Note the remarkable reduction of inflammation on her back and elsewhere.

On the right, note the striking reduction in inflammation and significant new skin development over the entire affected area, compared with the same patient's skin on the left.
View my theory on how I suggest wheatgrass extract heals.
Dr. Chris Reynolds.