SKIN GRAFT HEALING: Accelerated by wheatgrass extract

This skin graft has been treated by orthodox methods for six weeks. Clearly, it is healing very slowly and has an unhealthy, poorly perfused surface due to inadequate blood supply. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1. Skin graft before wheatgrass Wheatgrass extract was then applied to the wound surface. Only 2 days…

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Learn about wheatgrass healing

Wheatgrass and other cereal grasses have been used successfully for healing wounds and many other conditions for several thousand years. In the 1930’s (pre-antibiotic era), cereal grass juice saved the lives of large numbers of US military personnel suffering from life-threatening, war-caused wound infections. In these pages you will find…

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MEDICAL CONDITIONS & INJURIES: Wheatgrass extract can often help

Wheatgrass extract can accelerate healing of many conditions by: 1. Reducing inflammation. Can rapidly reduce redness, swelling and pain. e.g. burns, diabetic and venous ulcers, injuries. 2. Stopping bleeding quickly & preventing bruise formation: Stops capillary bleeding, accelerates blood clotting (hemostasis) and absorbs blood clot. 3. Healing wounds faster: Accelerates…

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Wheatgrass – resuming its role as a healing agent

In the USA in the 1930’s, wheatgrass (and other cereal grasses) were used effectively (e.g. Chlorophyllin) in highly respected hospitals for treating war wounds, burns and many other conditions. In due course, penicillin, discovered in 1941, gradually replaced natural treatments. For instance, drugs such as digitalis, derived from the foxglove…

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Barley grass increases growth hormone & insulin levels

Growth hormone: healing effects on skin Povoa, G., Diniz, L. An. Bras. Dermatol. vol.86 no.6 Rio de Janeiro Nov./Dec. 2011. This review article stresses the importance of Human Growth Hormone (GH) in stimulating production of Insulin Growth Factor–1 (IGF-1) which in turn acts directly on skin cells, keratinocytes and melanocytes, modulating…

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