Wheatgrass and other cereal grasses have been used successfully for healing wounds and many other conditions for several thousand years. In the 1930's (pre-antibiotic era), cereal grass juice saved the lives of large numbers of US military personnel suffering from life-threatening, war-caused wound infections.

In these pages you will find many medical conditions and injuries that have responded well to wheatgrass extract, often when nothing else has worked. This article attempts to explain how wheatgrass actually works so well for so many conditions and injuries. Associated research articles and over 1,350 unsolicited testimonials provide further insights about its healing ability.

This list provides just some of the numerous conditions of the wheatgrass healing spectrum.  Alternatively, use the SEARCH function for specific conditions.

Wheatgrass often works when orthodox treatments have been unsuccessful, e.g. for burns, diabetic and venous ulcers, skin conditions, injuries etc. It can also help when taken orally for a number of internal medical conditions such as ulcerative colitis.

Contact me if you would like more information, but please search this site first.

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S.