Burns testimonials (36 )

Laser burns Hi Sanket, Thanx for asking, i am fine and doing good. Yes, I started spraying from 28th of August. Firstly I want to say that Dr. Wheatgrass spray is magical. All my bumps which left after laser, they disappeared after 3rd use of this spray. I am so…

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Bunion testimonial (1)

We heard about Wheatgrass from a friend. My mom walks with difficultly and has been suffering from painful feet for decades (bunions etc.) Dr Wheatgrass is the first and only product that instantly stops the pain and put her out of her continuous painful misery from always being in pain,…

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Bedsores testimonial (1)

The spray has healed mum’s bedsores wonderfully – so say all of us carers (nurses and her doctor included). M. H. Victoria, Australia. 16 December, 2008 Ask Dr. Chris about bedsores

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Anal fistula testimonials (7)

I had issues a few years back on this subject. Of course, surgery was recommended. Started using the Recovery cream and never looked back. It was truly a miracle. Within a few days, the fissure healed and such relief! I ALWAYS keep a tube on hand just in case. To…

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Anal fissure testimonials (178)

I thought it was worth asking if your products would help my 4 year old daughter who has had a cough for months and doctors only put it to viral infections she keeps getting. If not, I wanted to thank you for your miracle cream all the same! Sincerely, A….

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Acanthosis nigricans testimonial (1)

I was born with one of the most embarrassing and possibly the worst skin condition there is. It’s called Acanthosis Nigrican. My normal skin color is very light and the Acanthosis is extremely noticeable. The acanthosis covers about 80 percent of my body and I’ve never been able to take…

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