BURNS: Boiling water burns heal rapidly with wheatgrass extract

An accidental burn at work

A young waitress ran in to my surgery screaming with pain, having just spilled boiling hot soup over her hand her restaurant.

The burn was quite severe and affecting a large area of her palm, which was bright red, swollen and already beginning to blister. Immediately, I sprayed wheatgrass extract over the affected area and applied a suitable dressing for protection.

Under normal circumstances, (i.e. without my wheatgrass extract) it would take at least two or three weeks to get her skin healed well enough for her to be able to return to work. Also, because burns are prone to infection, she would need regular follow-up, daily dressings, wound debridement, pain control (which is always a difficult challenge), and likely antibiotic cover. Other issues such as approaching university examinations, possible eviction for unpaid rent and possibly losing her job, made matters worse.

Also, her employer would have to find and train another waitress and probably face an increase in his insurance premium because of injury treatment costs.

Therefore, had I used the "standard" medical approach and used "recommended" silver sulfadiazine, (a type of antibiotic used widely for burns) there would not only be risk of wound infection and allergic reaction, it would do little or nothing for her pain.

How wheatgrass solved the problem

Having used wheatgrass extract many times for relieving pain and healing second degree burns, I was quietly confident the young lady's burn would heal quickly, so she could probably return to work the next day.

However, instead of cooling her hand in cold water, (not a good way to treat burns), I sprayed a little wheatgrass extract over the burn then covered it with a protective bandage to help maintain blood flow to the burn area. (Cold water inhibits or slows the healing process and should not be used.)

I told the patient her pain would be gone by the morning and that she could probably return to work.

"I don't think so." she said, shaking her head.

I prescribed a strong pain killer (which she didn't use) and asked her to return for review the next day. And, she did - minus the bandage! By midnight, her pain had completely ceased, and she slept well. Also, she had a full range of pain-free movements of her hand and fingers, and there was no sign of blistering, tenderness to the touch or broken skin.

She returned to work the next day.

More about using wheatgrass extract for burns

Since I began using wheatgrass extract for healing burns in 1995, infection or prolonged pain have never occurred. Wheatgrass extract rapidly (usually in several minutes) reduces inflammation and swelling and rapidly restores blood supply to the damaged area. (It rapidly reduces pain and accelerates healing of the burn.)

In fact, the extract is ideal for healing burns and numerous other injuries in homes, at work, in ambulances and doctors' surgeries, and in hospital emergency rooms.

Apart from rapidly easing pain, the extract also prevents or reduces fluid and protein loss from burn surfaces, and accelerates healing of burn wounds and eases pain rapidly.

Dr. Chris Reynolds.

View more burns cases healed rapidly by wheatgrass extract:

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