An extraordinary physical response to wheatgrass extract
The remarkable restoration of movement of this patient's supposedly "fixed" shoulder movement caused by severe burn contractures, was witnessed by nine doctors (including myself), and four medical students, during an outpatient clinic at a teaching hospital in Indore, India.
Three months earlier, the patient suffered severe burns to the front of his chest and neck, caused by a sudden furnace blast. He also suffered severe scarring and contractures of the muscles and tendons connecting his shoulder muscles to the chest. This prevented him from elevating his shoulders above the horizontal. (Fig. 1.) He had also been unable to work for three months.
Having observed wheatgrass extract rapidly improve limb movement in patients with burn contractures in Australia, I offered it for this patient, which the consulatant approved. I sprayed some extract lightly over his most severly affected areas.
About 10 minutes later, as shown in the photographs, he could readily extend his arms to the vertical.
I thought it a little strange that no-one, except the students, and the consultant (who had already seen wheatgrass save a child's life after a severe burn), were surprised at such a remarkable, extraordinary healing achievement.
How did wheatgrass extract restore these lost or weakened movements?
The extract, when applied over the patient's severely scarred areas, clearly "relaxed" the injured, tight, contracted tendons and muscles restricting the patient's movements thereby restoring them sufficiently to enable his arms to move again at the shoulder.
But how did the extract do that?
Simply, apparently. Having observed numerous, often rapid healing outcomes after applying wheatgrass extract to affected areas, it is clear that the extract re-connects de-coupled sensory cellular receptors to the brain. It appears that the 20 ligands known to exist in the extract, influence gene expression by these receptors, "re-coupling" them to the brain. (View article.)
(Following is another example showing reconnection of peripheral nerves of a stroke patient regaining limb movement minutes after wheatgrass extract was applied to his paralysed hand and limbs.)
Also, in the following four cases, the wheatgrass extract also appears to accelerate healing of second-degree burns, probably via "rapid and direct neuronal recoupling between the periphery to the brain".
Here are four more examples of wheatgrass extract's ability to re-activate dysfunctional cellular receptors:
- Wheatgrass heals deep second-degree burn in a week
- Two cases of second degree burns healing rapidly with wheatgrass extract
- Radiotherapy burns. Rapid relief of pain and wound healing with wheatgrass extract
- Burns. Wheatgrass saves a life
Read more about burn scar contractures. (Wikipedia)