Burns: Wheatgrass assists healing

Efficacy and tolerability of Fitostimoline in two different forms (soaked gauzes and cream) and Citrizan Gel in the topical treatment of second-degree superficial cutaneous burns. Martini, P., Mazzatenta, C. & Saponati, G. (2011) Derm. Res. and Practice; 2011, 1-8. Background: Fitostimoline is a topically applied agent whose main active ingredient…

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Chlorophyll for skin infections and burns

Dermatologic evaluation of yeast, tyrothricin, chlorophyll and nitrofurazone. Johnson, H. 1948. Arch. Dermatol. Syph. 57:348-351 Background: Dermatologists have a number of powerful drugs at their disposal to treat infections of the skin. Generally speaking, however, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects are for the patient. Researchers…

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Burns, wounds and ulcer healing by chlorophyll

Chlorophyll and wound healing. Experimental and clinical study. Lam, C., Brush, B. 1950 Am. J. Surg. 8:204-210. 1950. Chlorophyll was used in an experiment with cutaneous wounds in guinea pigs, and in treating dermatome donor sites, clinical burns and surgical wounds and ulcers in human patients. Wound healing in guinea pigs showed…

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SKIN GRAFT HEALING: Accelerated by wheatgrass extract

This skin graft has been treated by orthodox methods for six weeks. Clearly, it is healing very slowly and has an unhealthy, poorly perfused surface due to inadequate blood supply. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1. Skin graft before wheatgrass Wheatgrass extract was then applied to the wound surface. Only 2 days…

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Learn about wheatgrass healing

Wheatgrass and other cereal grasses have been used successfully for healing wounds and many other conditions for several thousand years. In the 1930’s (pre-antibiotic era), cereal grass juice saved the lives of large numbers of US military personnel suffering from life-threatening, war-caused wound infections. In these pages you will find…

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Bites and stings testimonials (10)

I was with a client last week and while we were talking he was stung on his finger by a bee. He said he was allergic and his hand was going to swell badly. I had some wheatgrass Burnspray with me. I removed the stinger and applied some Burnspray. He…

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Wheatgrass saves a life

Published on Jul 16, 2013 Remarkable wheatgrass healing of severe burns in a young boy in a burns unit in India. By Dr Chris Reynolds aka Dr Wheatgrass. (Newsletter, May, 2013) Full credit for the idea and editing to Sophia L.S. (13) Thank you, Sophie! Background music: Okanokumo ” Ambient…

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