Medical conditions and injuries

AGEING Easing aches and pains Helpful testimonials BLEEDING Bleeding during tattoo prevented (Video) Bleeding tooth socket  Chafing & bleeding skin  Reduced requirement for blood transfusion in thalassemic Healing wounds, infection-free External injuries Nasal bleeding (Epistaxis) BLOOD DISORDERS Breast cancer chemotherapy – blood levels protected Leukemia in children Reduced requirement for…

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Cellulitis (1 testimonal)

Seeing this post made me remember that my lower back was sore this morning and I rubbed some SuperBalm on the area. It took seeing this to make me remember I had done that, because it isn’t sore anymore. I use it regularly on sore muscles and sprains, and even…

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Pets with problems (19 testimonials)

An Observation on the Effect of Dr Wheatgrass Super Shots on a Cat with Severe Stomatitis Primary Subject: 2-year-old spayed female cat named Sparky. History unknown. Rescued by a private cat rescue group. Unable to be handled, requiring sedation for all vet visits. Treated by Community Vet including removal of…

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Skin care/cosmetics (12 testimonials)

Eliminated the blemishes. Worked as expected 👍 * Skin recovery cream   Phillip 12 February, 2020 I am a 67 year old woman who has always had good skin, until I got really run down and got shingles ten years ago. During that harrowing experience my skin lost elasticity and…

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