Ulcerative colitis (3 testimonials)

I had great success taking 1 capful daily of your wheatgrass super shots when I had Ulcerative Colitis. S. N. USA. 15 December, 2019 I suffer with Ulcerative Colitis and have been taking Supershots Liquid, 5 mL daily, with good effect. K. D. Australia. 2 August, 2016 I was diagnosed with…

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Wheatgrass assists recovery of ulcerative colitis

Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Ben-Arye E.; Goldin E.; Wengrower D.; Stamper A.; Kohn R.; Berry E. 2002. Scand. J. Gastroenterology, Vol:37.4:444-449(6) Background: Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease in which lesions form in the lining of the large…

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Medical conditions and injuries

AGEING Easing aches and pains Helpful testimonials BLEEDING Bleeding during tattoo prevented (Video) Bleeding tooth socket  Chafing & bleeding skin  Reduced requirement for blood transfusion in thalassemic Healing wounds, infection-free External injuries Nasal bleeding (Epistaxis) BLOOD DISORDERS Breast cancer chemotherapy – blood levels protected Leukemia in children Reduced requirement for…

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Learn about wheatgrass healing

Wheatgrass and other cereal grasses have been used successfully for healing wounds and many other conditions for centuries. For instance, in the 1930’s (pre-antibiotic period), cereal grass juice saved the lives of numerous US military personnel suffering from life-threatening wound infections. These pages contain examples of many medical conditions and…

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Autism testimonials (2)

‘I have a child with autism, and from my experience and that of other parents of children with this problem, it seems these children’s bodies have issues detoxing properly. They have problems with methlyation and sulphanation, which are processes of detoxing and repairing the body. So that causes their body…

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On this page, more than 1,500 testimonials demonstrate how effectively wheatgrass extract can assist the recovery of at least 100 different medical conditions and injuries. (Many more are yet to be posted.) If you can’t find an answer to your question, please go to this page. Or contact me directly…

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How wheatgrass extract accelerates healing

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. Click pic for CV. Introduction Ever since 1995, I have used a particular type of wheatgrass extract to accelerate the healing of a broad spectrum of medical conditions and injuries – often when standard treatments had failed, for example, – that were completely devoid of adverse…

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How to use wheatgrass extract for best results

The wheatgrass extract I have used therapeutically since 1995 for numerous medical conditions and injuries is substantially more effective for keeping well and for healing wounds and injuries, than the  wheatgrass juice you can buy at a juice bar. Also, there is no chlrophyll in my extract. This means we…

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