HORSES : Sarcoid wounds heal with wheatgrass extract

Skin cancer accounts for 45 to 80% of all equine (horse) cancers, the most common type being sarcoid tumours. Wikipedia Applying just a small amount of wheatgrass extract over the affected area(s) once a week can help remove these tumours and heal surrounding damaged skin. Case No. 1. Cansema (black…

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Wound healing effects by wheatgrass juice

Effect of Triticum aestivum juice on wound healing in rats. Singh, J., Sethi, J. Yadav, M., Sood, S., Gupta, V. Intl. J. Nat. Prod. Sci. 2011; 1: 15-20. Background: We might not think much about the process that takes place when we have a small cut or burn. A healthy…

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Wound healing wrongly attributed to chlorophyll

Brett, DW. Wounds, 17(7):190-195. 2005. Background: Chlorophyllin, derived from the plant pigment, chlorophyll, has been used for many years to accelerate wound healing and to provide odour control.  Chlorophyllin also shows activity as an anti-coagulation and an anti-inflammatory agent. These actions of chlorophyllin explain, at least to some extent, its…

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Chlorophyllin accelerates surgical wound recovery

Identification of pelvic lymph nodes with chlorophyllin after injection into the uterine cervix: An experimental and clinical study.  Wang H., Tan Y., Wang X., Xie J. Lymphology 2000;34:69-76 Background: Cancer is more severe when it spreads to areas beyond the site of the original tumor (a process called metastasis). When cancer…

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Wound healing and chlorophyll

The effect of the topical application of several substances on the healing of experimental cutaneous wounds. Brush, B., Lamb, C. 1942. Surgery. 12:355-363 Wounds made on the abdominal wall of guinea pigs were treated with various substances, including chloramines, urea crystals and chlorophyll ointment. None were found to consistently exert an accelerating effect on…

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Chlorophyll has no wound healing ability

Chlorophyll in wound healing and suppurative disease. Bowers, W. 1947. Am. J. Surg. 1947;73:37-50. Lieutenant Colonel Bowers of the US Army reports on the use of water-soluble derivatives of chlorophyll in over 400 cases over a period of nine months. He (and colleagues) noted several major effects, notably: loss of…

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Burns, wounds and ulcer healing by chlorophyll

Chlorophyll and wound healing. Experimental and clinical study. Lam, C., Brush, B. 1950 Am. J. Surg. 8:204-210. 1950. Chlorophyll was used in an experiment with cutaneous wounds in guinea pigs, and in treating dermatome donor sites, clinical burns and surgical wounds and ulcers in human patients. Wound healing in guinea pigs showed…

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Wound healing, growth factors & chlorophyll

Chlorophyll. An experimental study of its water soluble derivatives in wound healing. Smith L, Livingston A. Chlorophyll.  Am. J. Surg. 1943. 62:358-369 Wound healing involves an inflammatory (exudative) phase and a proliferative tissue growth and repair phase that presumably involves growth stimulating factors. This study tested various water soluble chlorophyll preparations…

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