Fermented wheat germ extract reduces chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in pediatric cancer patients. Babosa M., Borgulya G., Hauser P., Hidvégi M., Müller J., Paksy A., Schuler D., Szabó E., Fekete G., Garami M. 2004. J. Ped. Hem./Onc. Vol26:10:631-635 PURPOSE: An open-label, matched-pair (by diagnosis, stage of disease, age, and gender) pilot…
Adjuvant fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) nutraceutical improves survival of high-risk skin melanoma patients: a randomized, pilot, phase II clinical study with a 7-year follow-up. Demidov LV, Manziuk LV, Kharkevitch GY, Pirogova NA, Artamonova EV.Cancer Biother Radiopharm. Aug 2008;23(4):477-482. Background: Malignant melanoma usually has a poor prognosis. Even with current…
Use of products containing wheat germ enhances quality of life for patients with lung cancer. Hidvegi, M., Moldvay, J., Lapis, K., Ajkay, Z., Use of products containing wheat germ enhances quality of life for patients with lung cancer. Pulmono 2003. Background: Patients with metastatic cancer, in general, have relatively poor…
First clinical data of a natural immunomodulator in colorectal cancer. Jakab F, Mayer A, Hoffmann A, Hidvegi M. Hepatogastroenterology. Mar-Apr 2000;47(32):393-395. Background: Colon cancer is a slow growing cancer, but when it metastasizes, it can become incurable and rapidly lethal. Screening efforts (i.e. regular colonoscopies) have reduced the occurrence of…
A wheat-based nutriment has supportive value in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Jakab F, Shoenfeld Y, Balogh A, et al. Br J Cancer. Aug 4 2003;89(3):465-469. Background: Colon cancer is a relatively slow growing cancer, which is one of the main reasons that screening colonoscopies are generally recommended only every…
Immunologic and Biochemical Effects of the Fermented Wheat Germ Extract Avemar Illmer, C., Madlener, S., Horvath, Z., Saiko, P., Losert, A., Herbacek, I., Grusch, M., Krupitza, G., Fritzer-Szekeres,M., Szekeres,T. Experimental Biology and Medicine 2005, 230:144-149. Background: This paper describes a number of different laboratory tests that were used to try to…
Wheatgerm exerts high anti-cancer activity against Triple Negative HCC-38 human breast cancer cells. Bago-Horváth Z, Forstner B, Kalipciyan M, Bedeir A, Grusch M, Komina O, Wesierska-Gadek J, Szekeres T, Hidvégi M, Mader R (2011): Favourable anti-cancer activity of fermented wheat germ freeze-dried extract (Avemar lyophilisate) in triple-negative breast cancer cells….