Liver cancer. Chlorophyllin inhibits gene mutation.

Chlorophyllin inhibits carcinogenetic effects of aflatoxin B1 Breinholt, V., Schimerlik, M., Dashwood, R., Bailey, G. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1995. 8: 506-514. Background: Aflatoxin B1 is a toxin produced by a fungus (Aspergillus) which grows on cereal grains, various tree nuts and legumes. It is thought by many to be the most potent…

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Wound healing wrongly attributed to chlorophyll

Brett, DW. Wounds, 17(7):190-195. 2005. Background: Chlorophyllin, derived from the plant pigment, chlorophyll, has been used for many years to accelerate wound healing and to provide odour control.  Chlorophyllin also shows activity as an anti-coagulation and an anti-inflammatory agent. These actions of chlorophyllin explain, at least to some extent, its…

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Anti-cancer – aflatoxins & chlorophyllin

Mechanisms of chlorophyllin anticarcinogenesis against aflatoxin B1: Complex formation with the carcinogen. Breinholt, V., Schimerlik, M., Dashwood, R., Bailey, G.  1995. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1906.8, 506-514. Background: Aflatoxins are fungal poisons that are also potent cancer-causing agents (carcinogens).  Aflatoxin B1 is produced by a species of fungus, Aspergillus that is…

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Chlorophyllin stimulates production of blood elements

The effect of experimental anemia of radioactive Co60-Chlorophyllin, its distribution in the body and the therapeutic effect of Co-Chlorophyllin on anemia. Tamura K. 1959. Keio J.Med. (Japan). Vol.36 (View abstract) When 5 mg of non-radioactive Co-chlorophyllin was injected before irradiation, inhibition of the decrease in the blood cell counts and promotion of recovery were more…

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