Chlorophyll for skin infections and burns

Dermatologic evaluation of yeast, tyrothricin, chlorophyll and nitrofurazone. Johnson, H. 1948. Arch. Dermatol. Syph. 57:348-351 Background: Dermatologists have a number of powerful drugs at their disposal to treat infections of the skin. Generally speaking, however, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects are for the patient. Researchers…

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Wheatgrass extract ligands appear to assist recovery of many medical conditions and injuries by reconnecting dysfunctional cellular receptors with the brain

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. Click pic for CV. Introduction Before discussing how I believe my wheatgrass extract (which is considerably more potent than wheatgrass juice!) works, please view this list of conditions, that will show how effective this treatment can be. Thousands of patients around the world have sent me…

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Barley grass increases growth hormone & insulin levels

Growth hormone: healing effects on skin Povoa, G., Diniz, L. An. Bras. Dermatol. vol.86 no.6 Rio de Janeiro Nov./Dec. 2011. This review article stresses the importance of Human Growth Hormone (GH) in stimulating production of Insulin Growth Factor–1 (IGF-1) which in turn acts directly on skin cells, keratinocytes and melanocytes, modulating…

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Biological activities of chlorophyll derivatives

Chernomorsky, S., Segelman, A. New Jersey Medicine. 1988; 85(8): 669-73 Background Chlorophyll is generally regarded as a photosynthetic pigment present in green plants. This article reviews the anti-inflammatory, wound healing and malodour reducing properties of chlorophyll. In a study on embryonic hearts in mice, it was noted that growth occurred…

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These pages contain over 2,000 testimonials showing how wheatgrass extract has assisted recovery of more than 100 medical conditions and injuries. Please check the list below for testimonials on particular conditions or search on this page if you can’t find what you’re looking for.  You’re also welcome to contact me…

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THALASSEMIA: Wheatgrass lifts fetal hemoglobin levels

About thalassemia Thalassemia major (see Wikipedia) is an inherited, potentially fatal disorder resulting from abnormal hemoglobin production – the protein in red blood cells that binds to oxygen for transporting it around the body. Just one gene determines whether or not a child will suffer this disorder or whether it…

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