The best skin repairing/healing cream I’ve ever used. Kept my skin scar free through 33 radiation treatments on my neck. DK. USA. 16 March, 2018 Thanks to Amazon An 86 year old man had an SCC removed from the apex of his head with a split skin graft applied. He…
Wheatgrass Extract as a Topical Skin Agent for Acute Radiation Skin Toxicity in Breast Radiation Therapy Currie, G., Wheat, J. J. Australian Trad.-Med. Soc, 2006, 12(1): 7-11. Background: Radiation therapy (RT) is an important part of many different cancer treatments, but damage to the skin around the site of radiation can be…
Severe radiation burn showing raw, open wound 3 days after last treatment. Patient in severe pain with no relief from Sorbolene cream). (1 Feb. 2016) Same day. Marked radiation burn over treated area. Note light coloured horizontal scar from initial melanoma excision one year ago. Same day, after shower. Wheatgrass extract…
I had terrible side effects from chemotherapy including anal fissures. I tried everything the hospital gave me but nothing worked. The pain was horrendous. I bought this as a last resort and in 2 days I had relief. By the time I seen the surgeon consultant the following week it…
I thought it was worth asking if your products would help my 4 year old daughter who has had a cough for months and doctors only put it to viral infections she keeps getting. If not, I wanted to thank you for your miracle cream all the same! Sincerely, A….
Wheatgrass helps overcome negative effects of chemotherapy & radiotherapy Chemotherapy is notorious for causing adverse effects that can sometimes be life-threatening. One of the more serious consequences is myelotoxicity or damage to the bone marrow resulting in significant reduction of red blood cells (anemia), white blood cells (reduced resistance to…