SKIN DAMAGED BY TOPICAL STEROIDS? Restore to normal with wheatgrass extract

Did you know that topical steroids, soon after application to the skin, erode and destroy millions of skin cells each time they are applied. Most importantly, many cellular receptor cells, essential for keeping the brain informed of the state of the skin, are damaged, so that maintenance of many of the skin's important functions such as maintaining the body's temperature, begin to fail.

Did you know that every time you apply steroid drugs to your skin, even for short periods, they erode numerous functional skin cells which leads to destruction of numerous cellular receptors that are essential for maintaining the skin's protective functions. (Fig. 1.)

Therefore, in order to restore your skin to normal, you must first stop using topical (or oral) steroids! Your skin will never be able to regain normal function until you have done so. It will not be easy, but it is the only way to rid yourself of the dreadful withdrawal effects that almost always develop when steroids are ceased. 

Also, in order to help accelerate the healing of the affected skin and to reduce withdrawal symptoms (which can be severe and long-standing), apply my wheatgrass Skin Recovery Spray (preferably), (or Cream or Superbalm) lightly over the affected areas just TWICE A WEEK - AND PERSEVERE. (It may take two or three months or even longer, but if you persevere, the steroid-damaged skin will gradually return to normal.)

(Learn more about these skin-destroying drugs)

and, Watch this video about how damaging topical steroids can be, and how to end the destruction they cause.

skin structure
Fig. 1. A basic drawing of the skin's numerous types of sensory cells that keep the brain informed of the skin's condition such as burns, rashes etc. If topical steroids are applied even for a short time, considerable damage and thinning of the skin may occur, causing significant damage.

In Figure 2, you can see how numerous sensations such as pain, heat, cold, touch are continuously signalled to the brain from the skin and the rest of the body. In this case, the brain has responded by "instructing" the hand to move away from the pain caused by the pin. However, constant use of topical steroids soon begins to thin the skin by destroying millions of pain and other sensory receptors in the skin including touch, pressure, heat, cold, vibration, etc. that are responsible for the body to maintain equilibrium. In fact, continued use of topical steroids progressively destroys these receptors so that the skin eventually loses its multiple protective functions. For instance, against infection - which may be very difficult to control.

Topical steroids can rapidly lead to severe skin damage and addiction 

"Steroids" were first introduced in 1951, when they were seen as a breakthrough for "healing" eczema by reducing itchiness, inflammation (redness), and eliminating eczema rashes. Unfortunately, they were soon found to be highly addictive and capable of (severely) damaging the skin, instead of healing it.

Bright red, inflamed skin areas often develop, along with weeping and severe pain which can be difficult to relieve - particularly on the head and neck. (See Figure 3.) This drug-induced condition is often referred to as the "red skin syndrome" - a rapidly spreading steroid-induced rash that afflicts millions of sufferers worldwide.

Read about adverse effects of the use of topical steroids (Wikipedia).

how pain is felt
Fig. 2. How pain is felt. The pin prick activates the pain receptors located under the skin which then message the part of the brain where pain is sensed.

Topical steroids damage the skin in many ways

As already mentioned, every time a steroid cream or liquid is applied to the skin, numerous cell receptors are damaged or destroyed. In turn, this reduces their ability to keep in contact with the brain. Patients can even suffer severe pain when they cease using topical steroids because of the numerous pain sensors in the skin that have been openly exposed and/or destroyed. Easing this pain can be difficult.

Steroids also damage blood vessels essential for providing skin cells with nutrients, oxygen and many other essential functions. Also, stopping topical steroids can lead to withdrawal "rebound" effects such as painful red skin, weeping, itchiness and even infection. Worst of all, addiction to these drugs is possible.

Figure 3 shows that immune cells responsible for protecting the body from infection, are located close to the skin's surface. (Blue arrow) However, because topical steroids can readily destroy these cells, risk of infection increases and pain sensors are exposed, causing pain. Wheagrass extract application to the affected skin can do much to prevent this happening. (Read more about skin-destroying steroids)

skin structure and immune cells
Fig. 3. Immune cells, which are essential for protecting the body from infection, are situated close to the skin surface. (Blue arrow). Topical steroids however, thin the skin, compromising the ability to protect itself from infection. Wheatgrass extract can do much to prevent this negative process occurring.

Clearly, topical steroids damage the skin, but the wheatgrass extract I produce does the opposite by healing or "normalising" it. Also, because it is easy to apply, dries quickly and does much to help the skin recover, I recommend using the wheatgrass skin recovery spray. It is easy to apply and dries quickly, and by absorbing rapidly through the skin, a twice weekly application will, in time, repair the skin damage caused and return the steroid-damaged skin to normal. Recovery times may vary considerably depending on the severity of damage, but it works.

Remember that every time a steroid cream or liquid is applied to your skin, numerous cell receptors will be damaged or destroyed causing disconnection of the link between the cellular receptors in the skin and the brain. Patients can suffer severe pain when they cease topical steroids because numerous, highly sensitive pain sensors have been exposed.

Topical steroids also damage blood vessels in the skin providing nutrients, oxygen and many other essential elements to the body. Last, but not least, by stopping topical steroids abruptly, withdrawal effects such as painful red skin, weeping, infection, and itchiness can occur. However, wheatgrass extract application will help to ease these symptoms to some extent.

See: Topical steroids can do so much damage, Wikipedia

Wheatgrass extract can lead you out of the steroid trap

red skin syndrome healed with wheatgrass
Fig. 4. Severe "red skin syndrome" caused by topical steroids, returned to normal with wheatgrass extract. Don't over treat.

For instance, the young woman in the US (Figure 4), had suffered severely from topical steroid damage and withdrawal for several years. Suffering from widespread, painful inflammation (redness), and severe skin dryness caused by fluid loss and subsequent "leaking" skin, she fought bravely to survive.

Then, assisted by wheatgrass extract re-connecting damaged cellular receptors to her brain, she gradually weaned herself off steroid drugs altogether. It took a year, but, as can be seen in the photographs,  teamwork recovered her skin completely.

Most, if not all of these suffering patients can recover if they are prepared to persevere using the wheatgrass extract (I recommend using the Skin Recovery Spray). It may take a year or so, but recovery is expected.

Meanwhile, many sufferers continue to use steroid treatments but this only causes more skin damage with each dose applied. Hospitalisation may provide rest, but is rarely required if wheatgrass extract is used regularly. Also, when using the extract, remember that “less is best”. Don't over treat yourself. TWICE WEEKLY applications will suffice, (e.g. Monday/Thursday) - and persevere.

Also, as the skin gradually thins due to continued topical steroid use, it becomes increasingly prone to infection and inflammation, and pain receptors in the skin can be laid bare, often causing severe pain and risk of infection. Continued use ultimately damages the skin's ability to protect the body from bacterial and other infections which must then be treated with antibiotics which could also have adverse side effects. Although there is no "quick fix" for TSW, perseverance with the extract has helped many recover. You will soon realise you’re helping your skin, rather than harming it.

The aim is to rid yourself of topical steroids altogether - but, try to be patient. It may take several months at least for your skin to recover, but given time, wheatgrass extract will restore your skin to normal.

Some more tips:

For infants and children: Avoid soap and baths as much as possible as they remove the skin's natural oil that is so important for skin recovery and for protection from bacteria and other micro-organisms. Preferably, for skin cleansing, wipe the skin with a warm, damp, soap-free flannel, then when dry, apply wheatgrass extract just twice weekly over affected areas.

Adults: Another day without TSW painful symptoms is a major victory. Mark your calendar for 12 months and tick off the days. You may or may not be fully recovered by then, but you should be well on the way.

Please remember:

  • TSW IS A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION and should be managed by a medical practitioner. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and often require hospitalisation. Also, although wheatgrass extract can do much to assist recovery, it will take time reconnecting millions of damaged cellular receptors in the patient's skin.
  • GRADUALLY REDUCE TOPICAL STEROIDS. This can take considerable time, and requires regular monitoring and review by a medical practitioner. I have used this method successfully, but always in combination with wheatgrass extract.

(P.S.: My own clinical experience has shown how effective the extract can be for treating many other conditions.)

(Note: Many topical steroid addictions develop during infancy, so avoid using topical steroids on children at all costs. Wheatgrass extract can solve their eczema problem more quickly, with no side- effects.)

Also, most juveniles outgrow eczema by the time they turn 20. If they are still using topical steroids by then, they may become addicted for life. Instead, do what you can to wean them off these drugs as soon as possible. Often, stronger steroids are introduced at this stage to "help prevent withdrawal effects", but this only aggravates the condition and intensifies addiction.

Also, topical steroids (TS) do a lot more damage than “thin the skin”. In fact, many children – and even elderly adults – suffer from whole-body side effects of these drugs when withdrawal is attempted.

The "standard" medical approach to TSW treatment

This is to reduce inflammation with oral steroids such as prednisolone, and follow up with topical steroids. However, severe rebound symptoms may often occur if the drugs are stopped abruptly or even reduced. Also, addiction to these drugs is possible. They may help ease pain, but do nothing to heal topical steroid damaged skin. Effective medical management may sometimes take several years.

Although there is no "quick fix" to TSW, perseverance with wheatgrass extract - I recommend twice weekly light application, preferably of the Skiin Recovery Spray - say Monday/Thursday, will help relieve pain and in due course, restore the patient's damaged skin to normal, as shown in Figure 1. Recovery may take six to twelve months or longer, but the extract can shorten this time significantly as well as overcome the steroid addiction.

How wheatgrass extract can help beat topical steroid withdrawal pain

As the skin gradually thins due to continued topical steroid use, it becomes increasingly prone to infection and inflammation. Also, pain receptors located in the skin are laid bare, often causing severe pain. Continued use ultimately damages the skin's ability to protect the body from bacterial and other infections which must then be treated with antibiotics which also have potential side effects.

Alternatively, light application of wheatgrass extract - once weekly - and perseverance, can do much to reduce withdrawal symptoms of pain, redness, skin cracking etc. Sometimes, it may take a year or even more (remember, the skin has been severely damaged), to attain recovery, but I have seen this work many times. Eventually, the skin will recover.

In short, aim to eliminate topical steroids by applying wheatgrass extract instead, and ultimately restore all skin functions to normal.

Finally, compared with the "cold turkey” approach, the wheatgrass extract method will help the patient's skin recover and prevent or relieve pain. However, there is no "quick fix", because topical steroids frequently do major damage which needs time for recovery. Wheatgrass extract is a far more humane method than using drugs or going "cold turkey", and has helped many of my patients overcome their addiction.

How to treat TSW with wheatgrass extract

Although fresh wheatgrass juice may assist healing of TSW, my Dr Wheatgrass Skin Recovery Spray made from a potent wheatgrass concentrate, is markedly more effective.

1Topical use (for the skin): Apply just a little spray over the worst affected areas only, no more than once or twice a week - and persevere. Overtreating is wasteful and unnecessary. Many years of experience have proven that "less works best", but ensure you persevere.

Do not expect an overnight "cure". It often takes considerable patience and courage (for both patients and carers) to overcome the symptoms of topical steroid withdrawal. Recovery from severe topical steroid damage could take anything from two or three months to a year or even more, so do your best to persevere.

2. Strengthening your immune system can do much to restore your steroid affected body to normal and strengthen your skin. For this, I recommend taking my Dr Wheatgrass Supershots – half a teaspoonful (2.5ml) daily. Again, don’t overtreat.

A few more tips

For infants and children: Avoid soap and baths as much as possible as they remove the skin's natural oil which is so important for recovery and protection from bacteria and other micro-organisms. Preferably, wipe the skin with a warm, damp, soap-free flannel.

Adults: Every day without TSW symptoms is a major victory, so mark your calendar for 12 months and tick off the days as they pass. You may or may not be fully recovered by then, but you will be well on the way.

Please note:

  • TSW IS A SERIOUS MEDICAL PROBLEM and should be managed by a medical practitioner. Withdrawal symptoms are frequently severe, so this process should never be attempted without adequate supervision. (Read American dermatologist Dr. Marvin Rapaport's view on this topic.)
    My wheatgrass extract approach will not immediately stop withdrawal symptoms, (neither will anything else) but in time it will restore the steroid-damaged skin's functionality.
  • GRADUAL REDUCTION OF TOPICAL STEROIDS - This is another approach, but it requires regular monitoring and review by a medical professional. I have used this method successfully, but always in combination with wheatgrass extract.

POSTSCRIPT: Wheatgrass and other cereal grasses have been the subject of considerable clinical and laboratory research since the 1930’s. My own clinical experience has shown how effective it can be for treating many other conditions.

Another Case: An infant with topical steroid skin damage responds quickly to wheatgrass extract

Note: Many topical steroid addictions begin during infancy. Avoid using topical steroids on children at all costs.

Figures 5 & 6. Note the severe damage to this young child's skin caused by application of topical steroids over several months. Note the same elbow after three-weeks' treatment with wheatgrass extract only. This child was fortunate. Had the TS not been stopped and replaced with wheatgrass, he may well have become topical steroid-addicted, possibly for life.

topical steroid withdrawal child
Fig. 5. Topical steroid skin damage. Note wrinkled, scaling. inflamed red skin.
topical steroid withdrawal child cured
Fig. 6. Significant skin improvement after 3 weeks application of wheatgrass extract.

Most juveniles outgrow eczema by the time they turn 20. If they are still using TS by then, they may become addicted  for life. Ironically, patients are often being “treated” to overcome side effects caused by topical steroids, with topical steroids, which seems rather absurd. Instead, they should be weaned off these drugs as soon as possible. Often, stronger steroids are introduced at this stage to "help prevent withdrawal effects", but this only aggravates the condition and addiction.

Also, topical steroids (TS) do a lot more damage than “thin the skin”. In fact, many children – and even elderly adults – suffer from the side effects of these drugs when withdrawal is attempted.

Three remarkable cases demonstating how effective wheatgrass extract is for healing topical steroid skin damage

1. "Elephant skin" is restored to normal. 2. Topical steroid caused fluid retention released by wheatgrass extract

Case No. 1. This patient battled topical steroid withdrawal symptoms on and off for about 30 years. During that time she developed thick, so-called "elephant skin" over both elbows, which is a common complication of prolonged topical steroid use generally considered to be "irreversible". Howevr, application of wheatgrass extract over the affected skin for two months shows significant improvement. Note the deep ridges that have reduced significantly in size, and the marked improvement 5 years later as shown in the picture on the right.

wheatgrass heals topical steroid damaged skin
30 years of regular topical steroid damage restored by wheatgrass extract in 2 months.
Topical steroid withdrawal 5 years later
Follow up photo taken 5 years later. Note full recovery from topical steroid-caused “elephant skin".
Case No. 2. Overnight drainage of fluid retention:

This patient suffered for several years from grossly swollen legs and arms due to topical steroid use that apparently interfered with her skin's blood and lymphatic circulation. (Fig. 4.) She applied wheatgrass extract regularly for several months along with several other skin applications, but although her skin condition improved, the gross swelling remained.

Then, more as an afterthought, her daughter persuaded her to stop ALL skin applications (moisturisers etc.) except the wheatgrass extract. About two weeks later, the swelling in the "before" pics disappeared overnight. When she woke that morning her bed was soaked through due to fluid loss from her legs. As shown in the photographs, her eczema recovered completely. (View detailed account.)

It seems that wheatgrass extract is able to signal skin (and many other) abnormalities to the brain, which then responds accordingly to "normalise" the affected area(s). (See: How wheatgrass extract heals.)

topical steroid withdrawal swollen leg
topical steroid withdrawal swollen arm