Topical steroids destroy the skin if used long enough. My wheatgrass extract helps restore it
WithIn our bodies, we have billions of cellular receptors. Receptors that receive signals from chemical messengers or ligands, that continually notify the brain of any physical or physiological changes throughout the body. Without them, we wouldn't survive.
However, every time a steroid drug is taken or applied to the skin, destruction of cellular receptors follows, so that in time, the skin begins to thin and lose its protective properties. These receptors are essential for maintaining connection between the skin and the brain, but if they are damaged at all, (e.g. by destruction of cellular receptors by steroids) skin can break down leaving it prone to infection. (Oral steroids have a similar effect as they too destroy cellular receptors.) Continued application or ingestion of steroids ultimately destroys so many receptors that healing of the affected area becomes impossible.
Soon, the skin thins and millions of cellular receptors begin to vanish, leaving the affected area in danger because of reduced blood supply and other factors. Figure 1 shows the numerous skin functions that are open to damage by these drugs. Fortunately, however, the wheatgrass extract I use can, with perseverance, (which is not easy, but works) restore the skin to normal - in due course. (There is no magical cure, but wheatgrass extract, unlike steroids, is perfectly safe to use, and if you persevere, will return steroid damaged skin to normal.)

By comparison, the Dr Wheatgrass Skin Recovery Spray is not only void of adverse side-effects (even for infants), it will in time also restore TSW damaged skin to normal - at little cost. View more information.
Also, only spray lightly over affected areas, twice weekly, e.g. Monday and Thursday - and persevere. It make take two or three months or more to eliminate the steroid damage and return the skin to normal – but perseverance will pay.
(Read more information about TSW skin-destroying drugs)
In Figure 2, numerous sensations such as pain, heat, cold and touch continuously signal the brain. Here, the brain has responded by moving the patient’s hand away from the pin-related pain. However, constant use of topical steroids to the area soon begins to thin the skin and destroy numerous pain and other sensory receptors such as touch, pressure, heat, cold, vibration, etc. In fact, continued use of topical steroids progressively destroys these receptors and the skin eventually loses its multiple sensory functions.
Topical steroids rapidly incur severe skin damage and induce addiction
"Steroids", introduced in 1951, were seen as a major breakthrough for "healing" eczema. However, they soon became addictive (by the millions) and skin-damaging.
Bright red, inflamed skin lesions readily developed, as well as weeping and severe pain. (See Figure 3.) This drug-induced condition was soon referred to as the "red skin syndrome" - a rapidly spreading steroid-induced rash that afflicts millions of sufferers worldwide.
(Read about adverse effects of topical steroids (Wikipedia)).

Topical steroids damage the skin in many ways
Every time a steroid cream or liquid is applied to the skin, numerous cell receptors are damaged or destroyed, reducing their ability to maintain contact with the brain. (Severe pain can occur long after ceasing topical steroids.) Easing this pain can be difficult.
Also, stopping topical steroids can cause withdrawal "rebound" effects such as painful red skin, weeping, itchiness and even infection. Worst of all, addiction is possible.
Figure 3 shows that immune cells responsible for protecting the body from infection, are located close to the skin's surface. (Blue arrow) However, because topical steroids can readily destroy these cells, risk of infection increases and pain sensors are exposed, causing pain. Wheagrass extract application to the affected skin can do much to prevent this happening. (Read more about skin-destroying steroids)

Clearly, topical steroids damage the skin, but my wheatgrass extract does the opposite by healing or "normalising" it. It is easy to apply and dries quickly. A twice weekly application will suffice to repair skin damage and return the steroid-damaged skin to normal.
Try to remember that every time a steroid cream or liquid is applied to the skin, numerous cell receptors will be damaged or destroyed, thereby reducing the brain’s ability to heal. Also, some patients suffer severe pain when they cease topical steroids because highly sensitive pain sensors have been exposed.
Last, but not least, by stopping topical steroids abruptly, withdrawal effects such as painful red skin, weeping, infection, and itchiness can happen.
See: Topical steroids can do so much damage, Wikipedia
Wheatgrass extract can lead you away from the steroid trap.

This young woman had suffered severely from topical steroid damage for several years. Then, assisted by wheatgrass extract reconnecting damaged cellular receptors to her brain, she gradually weaned herself off steroids altogether. It took a year, but it worked well.
Most, if not all topical steroid affected patients recover by persevering with the Dr Wheatgrass Skin Recovery Spray.
But remember, “less is best”, so don't over treat. Apply TWICE WEEKLY will suffice.
Although there is no "quick fix" for TSW, perseverance using the wheatgrass extract will do much to restore the skin to normal.
Tips about treating infants and children
Avoid soap and baths as much as possible. They remove the skin's natural oil that is needed for protecting the skin from bacteria and other micro-organisms. Instead, cleanse the skin with a damp, soap-free flannel, then apply wheatgrass extract lightly to affected areas. Do this twice weekly and persevere.
Often, stronger steroids are introduced to "prevent withdrawal effects", but this only damages the skin even more.
Given there is no "quick fix" to TSW, perseverance with the wheatgrass Skin Recovery Spray will help relieve pain and, in due course, restore damaged skin to normal.
How wheatgrass extract overcomes topical steroid withdrawal pain
As the skin gradually thins from continued topical steroid use, the skin becomes prone to infection and pain. However, light application of wheatgrass extract - twice weekly - and perseverance, can do much to reduce withdrawal symptoms of pain, redness, skin cracking etc.
Treating TSW with my wheatgrass extract can do much to relieve withdrawal symptoms. For example, apply just a little spray over the worst affected areas, no more than twice a week. Recovery might take two to three months or more, but it will work if you persevere. (It takes time because of the damage caused by topical steroids to the skin’s structure and functionality.)
Avoid soap and baths as much as possible. Why? Because they damage production of the natural oil that helps protect the body from infection. Instead, wipe the skin clean with a damp, soap-free flannel.
Please note:
- TSW IS A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION that should be managed by a doctor if possible. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe.
- GRADUALLY REDUCE TOPICAL STEROIDS – This is much easier to do if you keep the skin protected with light alternate daily application of Dr WG Skin Recovery Spray.
My years’ of clinical experience shows how effective the extract can be for treating skin and for many other conditions.
In Figure 5 an infant was suffering from severe topical steroid damage. However, he then responded very well to wheatgrass extract - in just 3 weeks.
(Topical steroid use on infants and young children must be avoided at all costs. Instead, use wheatgrass extract which is completely safe.)
This child was fortunate, because he received wheatgrass extract treatment that rapidly restored his skin, almost to normal. (He may well have become topical steroid addicted.)

Most juveniles outgrow eczema by the time they turn 20, but if they are still using topical steroids, they could become addicted for life. They should therefore be weaned off these drugs as soon as possible. If stronger steroids are introduced at this stage, addiction might last for life.
The next two cases show how effectively wheatgrass extract can restore damaged skin to normal.
Case No.1. "Elephant skin" is restored to normal
This female battled topical steroid withdrawal symptoms, on and off for 30 years. So much so, she developed thick, so-called "elephant skin" over both elbows. (See photograph). This is a common complication after prolonged topical steroid use and is usually considered to be "irreversible". However, application of wheatgrass extract over the affected skin for two months shows significant improvement. Note the deep ridges that have reduced significantly in size, and the marked improvement 5 years later as shown in the close-up picture on the right.

Case No. 2. Substantial overnight drainage of fluid retention follows application of wheatgrass extract to affected skin.
This adult female suffered for several years from grossly swollen legs and arms related to topical steroid usage on her skin. (Fig. 4.) She then applied wheatgrass extract regularly for several months. Her skin condition improved, but the gross swelling remained.
Then, as an afterthought, her daughter persuaded her to stop ALL skin applications (moisturisers etc.) except the wheatgrass extract. About two weeks later, the swelling shown in the pre-treated pics (Before) had disappeared, but her bed had been soaked through - presumably due to loss of fluid from her legs. (See photos below.) Several days later, as seen in the photographs, her eczema had also completely recovered. (View a more detailed account.)
Apparently, ligands in the wheatgrass extract had re-activated numerous dysfunctional cellular receptors (damaged by topical steroids), then reconnected them to the brain. (See: How wheatgrass extract heals.)

You are welcome to contact me (free service) for further information.
Dr. Chris Reynolds.
Queensland, Australia.
- More cases of wheatgrass healing eczema and topical steroid skin damage
- Read more about the dangers of TSW (Wikipedia)
Some other skin conditions that respond well to wheatgrass extract treatment: