Childhood Leukemia (1 testimonial)

My 7 year old daughter, K. has Leukemia.  The treatment for Leukemia is 2 1/2 years for girls and 3 1/2 years for boys.  Being on Chemotherapy for years can be very destructive to the body. When I purchased your products I must admit that I was really worried about…

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LEUKEMIA: A child responds positively to wheatgrass extract

What is leukemia? Leukemia literally means “white blood”. It is a type of cancer that develops from the stem (immature) cells of the bone marrow which leads to excessive production of abnormal “leukemic” white blood cells. They then “crowd out” normal white cells and red cells, slowing their development and…

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Leukemia cells may be eliminated by chlorophyll

Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia Molt 4B cells. Hibasami, H. et. al. Int. J. Mol. Med. 2000. 6(3):277-9 Background:  Pheophorbide is a product that occurs when chlorophyll—the green plant pigment—breaks down.  Pheophorbide can sensitize cancer cells to light (photosensitization) and is currently…

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Dr Wheatgrass Supershots (48 testimonials)

Acquired brain injury and stroke Anxiety, bipolar disorder & attention deficit disorder Asthma & emphysema Breast cancer Chemotherapy Cholesterol reduction Chronic fatigue Colds and flu Energy boost Glandular fever Hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis recovery High blood pressure HIV/AIDS Idiopathic short stature Idiopathic thrombocytic purpura Immunity boost Inflammatory bowel disease; Iron…

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Chemotherapy & radiotherapy (9 testimonials)

I had terrible side effects from chemotherapy including anal fissures. I tried everything the hospital gave me but nothing worked. The pain was horrendous. I bought this as a last resort and in 2 days I had relief. By the time I seen the surgeon consultant the following week it…

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On this page, more than 1,500 testimonials demonstrate how effectively wheatgrass extract can assist the recovery of at least 100 different medical conditions and injuries. (Many more are yet to be posted.) If you can’t find an answer to your question, please go to this page. Or contact me directly…

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My theory on how wheatgrass extract heals

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. Click pic for CV. Introduction Since 1995, I have used a particular type of wheatgrass extract that accelerated the healing of a broad spectrum of medical conditions and injuries – often when standard treatments failed. For example, these conditions not only recovered rapidly, with no adverse…

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Wheatgrass helps reduce leukemic cell proliferation

Antiproliferative, apoptotic and antioxidant activities of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) extract on CML (K562) cell line. Aydos, OS., Avci, A., Özkan, T., Karadag, A., Gürleyik, E., Altinok, B.,Sunguroğlu, A. Turkish J Med Sci (2011) 41 (4):657-663 Background:  It has been known for some time that individuals eating plant-based diets, those…

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Wheatgrass extract can assist recovery of many illnesses and injuries

AGEING Expand Easing aches and pains Helpful testimonials BLEEDING Expand Bleeding during tattoo prevented (Video) Bleeding tooth socket Bleeding nose (Epistaxis) BLOOD DISORDERS Expand Breast cancer chemotherapy – blood levels protected Leukemia in children Reduced requirement for blood transfusion in thalassemic Thalassemia in babies. Haemoglobin increased BURNS Expand Second degree….

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