Breast cancer radiotherapy. Wheatgrass extract aids recovery

Wheatgrass Extract as a Topical Skin Agent for Acute Radiation Skin Toxicity in Breast Radiation Therapy Currie, G., Wheat, J. J. Australian Trad.-Med. Soc, 2006, 12(1): 7-11. Background: Radiation therapy (RT) is an important part of many different cancer treatments, but damage to the skin around the site of radiation can be…

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Chemotherapy & radiotherapy (9 testimonials)

I had terrible side effects from chemotherapy including anal fissures. I tried everything the hospital gave me but nothing worked. The pain was horrendous. I bought this as a last resort and in 2 days I had relief. By the time I seen the surgeon consultant the following week it…

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Anal fissure testimonials (178)

I thought it was worth asking if your products would help my 4 year old daughter who has had a cough for months and doctors only put it to viral infections she keeps getting. If not, I wanted to thank you for your miracle cream all the same! Sincerely, A….

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Wheatgrass extract accelerates recovery of many medical conditions & injuries

AGEING Easing aches and pains Helpful testimonials BLEEDING Bleeding during tattoo prevented (Video) Bleeding tooth socket  Chafing & bleeding skin  Reduced requirement for blood transfusion in thalassemic Heal wounds infection-free External injuries Nasal bleeding (Epistaxis) BLOOD DISORDERS Breast cancer chemotherapy – blood levels protected Leukemia in children Reduced requirement for…

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