Molluscum contagiosum (In adults – 13 testimonials)

Ask Dr. Chris about adult molluscum

Amazing product!!

I’m not one to leave reviews, however this deserves to be talked about! This is my 5th month with molluscum and after using others products (effective but expensive and slow paced) I was shocked to see how quick this product worked. The molluscum started on my inner thighs and on the day this was delivered, I had noticed it was on my back, knees and neck (sigh). This product within 2 days cleared up the rashes on my body and within 5 days has almost cleared my thighs. The more difficult ones I picked the core out and then applied the cream but this works wonders!! Just waiting for the spray to finish this pesky rash up and I feel confident that in a months time I will be clear. This is worth every cent. It also cleared my eczema on my hands and the eczema caused from the other products around my molluscum. Wish I had of found this sooner before it had spread so much.

M. AUS. 5 January, 2022 Amazon


I wanted to send you a testimonial (in case it’s useful) as your product has cleared up my Molluscum and I’m very happy about it! I feel like more people need to know about this because when you go to the doctor and they tell you there is nothing that can be done and you will have to ride it out for up to two years it can be upsetting. Doctors should be prescribing this stuff because it works!

In 2019 I had had Molluscum for a year and it wasn’t going anywhere. The doctor told me nothing could be done and I had to wait it out. I looked online and purchased the wheatgrass recovery cream and started using it. I noticed it was working as it made the Molluscum go red within days, then blister and disappear! I had moved to the UK over this time and ran out of the product. The last of the Molluscum didn’t go away until I repurchased the cream back in NZ. So I know it was the cream, not just that it was time for the Molluscum to go. So after having Molluscum for 2 years, they are finally gone. Please please please purchase this cream if you are struggling with Molluscum. It 100% works!

Thanks so much for your product. It’s amazing.

Kind regards

Charlotte. 16 September, 2020


great if you suffer with the virus molluscum. I saw results just a day after I used it! I have tried every molluscum product and this is the only one that has worked! Although not recommended I popped my molluscum bumps while taking a hot shower it does hurt but if you want the virus gone soon I recommend popping/irritating them in a hot shower and removing the little white heads that are in the bumps(that is what the virus is) so when they do pop you can clean the area immediately (my virus did not spread when I did this). After I popped them I immediately cleaned the area with apple cider vinegar and witch hazel. After the shower I then used this cream and boom the virus is gone and have no marks of it coming back. I did use this on a few bumps I did not pop and they cleared up just took a little bit longer. Use twice daily after popping them also apply the cream in areas near where you popped so the virus does not spread. Hope this helps someone! This cream is a miracle

Maria. Amazon US. 30 January , 2020

Molluscum Life Saver

my molluscum started at the start of 2019, i never really noticed till the summer when i was going out with my year group, i would wear shorts and boys would point them out and it made me feel very self conscious, i’m 15 years old which is weird cause molluscum normally only happens with young kids. it got to the point where i had about 15 on each of my legs and it was spreading rapidly as i was squeezing them before because i thought they were spots. I did some research and found this spray on many youtube videos and i had to try it.

I sprayed everywhere on my legs morning and night, if they would cut open (the bigger bumps) i would put a plaster over it. i continued this for about a month, now they are smoothed down but i still have scars, they should eventually go down but overall it’s brilliant, i definitely recommend!!!!

Amazon UK. 08 October, 2019

Good afternoon Dr. Chris

I would like to thank God for using Dr. Wheatgrass for creating such an amazing product. I am free from MOLLUSCUM DESEASE. Before I found the spray was depressed and suicidal. I felt soo unwanted from this world, used to cry everday asking God what did I do to deserve such horrible desease. I even burnt my self from using the products I saw on YouTube (I have attached photos as proof). Thank you soo much, may the Lord blesses more. I am now living a testimony.


B.N. South Africa. 20 August, 2019

I am so happy I finally found something that works! I've had Molluscum since September and I literally have tried everything and spent way too much money trying to treat it. The spray and the Supershots are all you need! I honestly saw a slight difference in 1 day but it is now day 7 and there is so much improvement. I finally feel comfortable in my skin again. Thank you for your great product!!

JV. USA. 28 November, 2017 Thanks to Amazon

Just to let you know my molluscum has gone! The relief is immense! Thanks for always responding to my emails!

J. K. Australia. 31 March, 2017

Just to update you on my 1st feedback regarding my molluscum. Following great improvements from my initial use of your wonderful products, I can report that all lesions have now gone apart from a small red mark where the original crop started. All up it has taken just over 3 months to get to this point from the mass outbreak of these awful things. However, I believe that I had 3 small spots for many months before the outbreak (waiting for an opportunity to take hold?) I found that once I used the shots as well as the cream, it took a few weeks to notice marked and continued improvements . Again, thank you for making this product available and giving hope to adults suffering from this annoying and frustrating condition. I continue to use the cream and the shots as general maintenance and to keep my skin soft and looking great.

J. C. Australia. 16 December, 2016

I have been using your spray wheatgrass for almost two weeks now. What an amazing progress. The mulloscum is healing in my groin, my thighs, my scrotum and penis. It is decreasing the spreading and now drying up and going away. It is amazing. I have been using it twice a day and will continue for another 6 weeks and then weekly as maintenance. I just ordered another as well. Thank you so much for your help. Not going to laser surgery and healing organically was so much more healthy for me. Be well regards.

J. P. USA. 8 December, 2016

I would like to thank you so much for making this product available. I had tried ACV, Methylated Spirits, Mouth Wash, Zinc Cream and Zinc Talc, Tea Tree Solution and Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, an assortment of other essential Oils, Pricking the spots, plasters and even Colloidal Silver, you name it. I had also developed eczema (never had it before) since the development of the spots. I was at an all time low, my skin was burned, extremely dry and I was at a total loss of how to get rid of these things. I purchased the Wheatgrass Balm from a Health Shop when I was buying Oregano Oil (another trial remedy) and didn't think much more about it. I got so fed up with further skin burning and smelling like a pizza, that in desperation I tried the wheatgrass balm. OMG!! why on earth didn't I try this first off?? Within a few days the burned and cracked skin was soft, the spots were fading and my skin no longer looked like a train wreck. I am looking forward to further improvements and even purchased the recovery cream for general use. Thanks again for this wonderful product.

J. C. Australia. 12 October, 2016

Thanks got it and either my imagination or it works great....i hope it keeps working..thanks for ur great product.

W. J. USA. 25 September, 2015

Why I had molluscum in my mid thirties is a bit of a puzzler, but I was certainly pleased when they disappeared after a week or two using wheatgrass spray (as opposed to the two years my doctor had estimated!).

G. J. UK. 27 October, 2014

I would just like to provide some very positive feedback about your Skin Recovery Cream. Although I still do not know how I contracted the molluscum, for approximately 3-4 months, I had around 20 to 30 bumps all over the lower part of my face. The appearance of my skin was making me both distressed and upset on a daily basis, as people kept commenting as to why I had so many "pimples". Although I did get some of the bumps frozen off with liquid nitrogen by the dermatologist, as soon as I started applying the cream, within one week the bumps were disappearing. A month later, my skin is back to normal and only faint marks remain where the bumps were. I am so thankful that I discovered your product, as it has made me so happy!

O. K. Australia. 23 February, 2012

Dr. Chris. As you may remember from our previous correspondence I had amazing success using your Wheatgrass skin recovery cream to clear up my molluscum. I've been molluscum free for over 6 months, but I'm frustrated to report it seems to be coming back to the original affected area. This is very troubling for me, I thought I was free of this nightmare.

I know you had mentioned a reoccurrence is possible though unlikely, what are your thoughts of why I'm seeing these bumps return now? I've begun using your product again and I hope to see the same dramatic healing I saw before. Do you think this is likely?

C. J. Australia.  2011

Dr. Chris' response:
Molluscum is a highly capricious viral condition, particularly in adults. In children, once they have rid themselves of the virus, their natural immunity prevents further infections. I can’t tell you why your spots have returned, because I simply don’t know. Before wheatgrass, I had great difficulty advising adults how to treat molluscum, and I’m sure my colleagues felt pretty much the same way. So at least your first batch of lesions cleared up (something most GP’s and dermatologists would like to achieve) so that’s an excellent start. Although I can’t be sure, my feeling is the wheatgrass will work again for you, and eventually, the virus will give up. However, I can’t give you an accurate prognosis.

After 8 months of suffering and only 9 days using your wheatgrass cream I am more than happy to report my Molluscum has disappeared! I am pleasantly surprised about the effectiveness and speed in which the Molluscum bumps cleared up.

C. S. USA. 15 August, 2010