Wheatgrass reduces transfusion requirements in thalassemia

Wheatgrass Research: The role of iron chelation activity of wheatgrass juice in blood transfusion requirement of intermediate thalassaemia. Mukhopadhyay. S., Mukhopadhyay. A., Ranjan. R., Gupta. P., Kar. M., Ghosh. A. Blood 2007 110:3829;. Abstract Background: Previously it was thought that the chlorophyll of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) may be the substitute of…

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Thalassemia (5 testimonials)

My 3 year old son S. started super shots on 15th august 2015, 2.5 ml a  day. Its almost six month he is taking it. Their is improvement in his health. His ferritin level is under control. Transfusion is required but he is more active and jovial. He is now…

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Thalassemia: Wheatgrass induces increase in fetal hemoglobin

Thalassemia: Wheatgrass Shows Promise As An Effective Inducer Of Fetal Hemoglobin Reynolds, C. Australasian Integrative Med. Assoc. August, 2004. Background: Thalassemia is a genetic disorder where haemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body is not made correctly.  There are a number of different types of thalassemias, which can vary in…

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Thalassemia: Wheatgrass assists iron chelation

The role of iron chelation activity of wheat grass juice in blood transfusion requirement of intermediate thalassaemia. Mukhopadhyay. S., Mukhopadhyay. A., Gupta. P., Kar. M., Ghosh. A. 2007 Am. Soc. Hematol. Ann. Background: The authors noted there was no satisfactory explanation for reduced blood transfusion requirements in thalassemia major patients…

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