About osteitis pubis (OP) Osteitis pubis is a condition that causes severe, often crippling pain in the groin. It can seriously inhibit physical performance – but it can be cured. OP pain usually originates from inflammation of the insertion of the large adductor muscles into the pubic bone deep in…
PF pain improves or disappears after wheatgrass extract applied Having observed some rather startling results where patients had recovered, in some cases overnight, from chronic, severely painful and disabling heel pain, I ran a small study on the internet. Some thirty PF sufferers, mainly from the United States agreed to…
One morning, a young office worker was carried rather unceremoniously in to my office over her workmate’s shoulder. She had caught her shoe in a tramline nearby that severely twisted her right ankle, on the way to work. The joint was grossly swollen, darkly discolored – suggesting marked bleeding in…