INFERTILITY: Wheatgrass extract can aid conception

Some women with difficulty conceiving have become pregnant by taking half a teaspoonful of wheatgrass extract (Supershots) daily.

Take just HALF A TEASPOONFUL (2.5ml) of wheatgrass extract (Dr Wheatgrass Supershots) TWICE A WEEK. (e.g. Monday/Thursday - and persevere), and hold the liquid in the mouth for a minute before swallowing. It appears that ligands present in the extract may restore disconnected ovarian cellular receptors with the brain that are essential for conception.

Note: Cereal grasses such as wheatgrass have been shown (in laboratory animals) to have a “normalising” effect on the hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal gland pathway (HPA), which must be functioning normally for conception to occur.

In Thailand, a dozen or so males with low sperm counts (oligozoospermia) regained normal levels by taking wheatgrass extract daily for several weeks. The extract is also known to "normalise" a female's hormonal status, and male infertility can be similarly influenced.

I believe that both partners should take the extract twice weekly, (half a teaspoonful), and persevere.

Dr. Chris Reynolds.


I read somewhere that it helps build more follicles during the IVF process. It may just be a coincidence but I've been taking a double dose for 3 months and my follicle numbers doubled and both ovaries are functioning better. I'm very happy!

Elizabeth. USA. 27 July 2016

Dr. Chris, regarding the conception, I definitely think that it helped. I am 42  and have had a long fertility journey and with me my main problem was implantation as i had endometriosis which was missed for over 6 years by doctors and so i feel that the wheatgrass may have helped with my FSH levels staying low, as I have read that it is common for it to rise in late 40,s and mine are in the normal range . Also I have been on chinese herbs which may have helped and this a natural conception which i am thrilled about.

R. R. Australia. 26 May 2015

Dear Dr Chris, Just a big thank you really.
This is the first month I've taken your supershots and, after 1 year of unsuccessful trying to get pregnant, I appear to be pregnant!
So thank you! NB I've not done anything else differently (aside from also taking vitamin B6 - presumably there is no clash in taking the two together)?
I note the shots are suitable for pregnancy, so I'll continue taking them - at the rate of 2 teaspoons per day unless you suggest otherwise.
Well, thank you for all your hard work with this, Nancy.

(The extract is quite potent, so only small doses are required. [In my view, both partners should take the extract twice weekly, (half a teaspoonful), and persevere.])

N. H. UK. 25 October, 2013

Hello Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that on October 3 my FSH was 12.4 (I was also on day 3 of my menses for labs). I was so worried once I learned about the score and immediately researched how to lower it. I started to take wheatgrass and I just got tested again November and it was down to 10.9!!!! I had only been taking it a few weeks so I know it works.

Jenny. 4 December, 2011 Dr Wheatgrass Infertility Forum

I just wanted to leave a message about my recent experience with Dr. Wheatgrass Supershots and pose a general question to Dr. Chris about what he thinks has happened in my situation. I am a 45 year old female, with a history of surgery related infertility, and now High FSH. I was told recently by my IVF specialist that my FSH was too high to continue with IVF. He tested me at 70 which he said meant that my ovarian reserve had sunk so low I was in perimenopause. Anyway, I had read about the benefits of wheatgrass as a potent fertility booster and so decided to try Dr. Wheatgrass Supershots to see if they would help. I took a double dose (two capfuls) every day for three months. I have just done a new FSH test, and discovered much to my delight and amazement that my FSH is now 6.9! The IVF specialist is reconsidering allowing me to continue with IVF. It seems incredible, but true.

Panpan. 11 February, 2008 Dr Wheatgrass Infertility Forum