Effect of chlorophyll on skin ulcers

Chlorophyll in the treatment of ulcers. Gahan, E., Kline, P., Finkle, T. Arch. Derm. & Syphilo. 1943. 47:849-851. Background: Ulcers of the skin are wounds with a central depression and sometimes “heaped up” borders. They can be caused by a number of factors, but usually start with an incidental or noticeable…

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Burns, wounds and ulcer healing by chlorophyll

Chlorophyll and wound healing. Experimental and clinical study. Lam, C., Brush, B. 1950 Am. J. Surg. 8:204-210. 1950. Chlorophyll was used in an experiment with cutaneous wounds in guinea pigs, and in treating dermatome donor sites, clinical burns and surgical wounds and ulcers in human patients. Wound healing in guinea pigs showed…

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