Motor neurone disease (ALS): A severely disabled male regains muscular, respiratory and vocal functions minutes post-application of a wheatgrass extract to his skin


Motor neurone disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), is a severe, debilitating, incurable, almost inevitably fatal medical condition. Considered to be caused by dysfunctional neurones in the central nervous system failing to maintain functionality of the body's musculature, no cure has ever been found.

However, this severely affected 50 year old male almost instantaneously regains dysfunctional musculature, respiratory and mobility just five minutes after application of a wheatgrass extract to his skin.

The patient's history

In January, 2023, when overseas in Auckland, New Zealand, a severely affected MND-affected male whom I had never met, came to my hotel room accompanied by his female business partner/driver, hoping that a wheatgrass extract I had used therapeutically since 1995 - (View my website), might help restore some of his musculature.

Not having used the extract for treating his condition, I wondered if it might help improve some of his many symptoms. After all, it had restored the mobility and other movements of a number of stroke-affected patients - in a few minutes. (View here.)

Inviting them in, John, severely wasted and weak, shuffled slowly along the passage, leaning heavily on his walking stick and relying on me for support. On reaching my "office" exhausted, he immediately fell into an armchair. Then, after taking a rest for a few minutes, John tried to stand, but his severely weakened legs gave in, forcing him back into his chair. (See Video No. 1.

Video No. 1. Prior to application of the wheatgrass extract, I saw the severe muscular weakness and wasting of both John's legs. On trying to stand, he immediately fell back into his chair. 

With 29 years' medical experience of clinical use of the extract, I could see there was hope for re-connecting John's dysfunctional leg muscles to his brain and restoring movement to his lower limb. (I had witnessed similar responses several times in stroke-affected patients.) Then, with John's approval, I sprayed the extract lightly over a small area (2-3 centimetre radius) of his soleus muscle on the medial side of his right ankle. (See Fig. 1.).

Almost instantaneously, his lower right calf muscle turned warm, indicating blood supply returning to the area. Also, numerous, strong, localised pulling sensations were apparently caused by muscular cell  contractions. Then, in less than a minute, the other leg responded the same way! (Video No. 2).

Clearly, John's brain appeared not to have lost its functionality at all. 

John's strength in both legs had recovered remarkedly about five minutes after application of the extract to his ankle. Also, his muscular, respiratory and vocal functions had substantially improved. 

How then did this neurological disorder develop in the first place?

Video No. 2. Here, one can see how the wheatgrass extract was applied, (a minute earlier), over a small, coin-sized area of John’s soleus muscle, close to his right ankle. (See Fig. 1.) I chose this area in order to test my "dysfunctional cellular receptor" theory, where ligands in the extract, (at least 20) appear to reconnect a variety of dysfunctional peripheral cellular receptors to the brain. 

By now, John’s respiration rate had slowed considerably and his voice had strengthened, suggesting there had been restoration of many more neuronal pathways, i.e. ligands applied to the skin had reactivated peripheral cellular receptors thereby reconnecting them to the brain.)

In Video No. 3., five minutes after application of the wheatgrass extract, John is filmed walking unassisted, with remarkable improvement of respiration, speech, and swallowing. Then, he discards his walking stick then walks - cautiously at first, then, with increasing confidence, unaided around the room. Presumably, numerous cellular receptors in both his legs had reconnected with his barin, almost instantaneously.

Video No. 4. (Below) Nine days later, John, driving alone, unexpectedly drives into the hotel's car park, where I happened to be at the time. I was amazed at his physical improvement and to learn he had driven for several hours. Then, on leaving the car he strode confidently around the car park, breathing well and speaking clearly. However, he was still dependent on his walking stick for support.

He then climbed back into his car and drove away - alone.

Six weeks later, I was saddened on learning that John had passed away. However, given the severity of his condition when we first met, I was amazed that he had survived as long as he did. Clearly, the wheatgrass extract had reconnected many of his dysfunctional cellular receptors to his brain. Perhaps, had we met sooner, the extract may have prolonged his life further.

How wheatgrass extract may assist restoration of numerous neurological dysfunctions

The wheatgrass extract used in this case contained at least 20 ligands (Rhone Poulenc Laboratories, now Aventis) that were capable of reactivating gene expression of dysfunctional cellular receptors - throughout the body. In "MND/ALS" affected patients, (and many other medical conditions) these ligands appear to re-connect dysfunctinal areas of the body to the brain. (See examples in Figure 2.)

This basic illustration helps explain how ligands in wheatgrass extract appear to reactivate multiple, dysfunctional cellular receptors related to pain, speech, respiration and various other symptoms. Apparently, these symptoms have been signalled to the brain, which has responded by re-connecting to appropriate peripheral cellular receptors.

Wheatgrass extract ligands restore dysfunctional contacts between peripheral cellular receptors and the brain.
Figure 2. Wheatgrass extract ligands restore dysfunctional contacts between peripheral cellular receptors and the brain.

I might add that during my 28 years of working clinically with the wheatgrass extract, I have helped many thousands of patients recover from their illnesses and injuries.

Also, I believe the theories of motor neurone disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis fall short of explaining how this "disease" develops.

Finally, if peripheral cellular receptors are not functioning normally, many kinds of illness (including cancer) can develop - anywhere in the body.

P. S. The U.S. National Institutes of Health suggests that motor-neurone disease (MND) results from "a group of chronic, sporadic and hereditary neurological disorders characterised by progressive degeneration of motor neurones.”

I tend to differ.

Dr. Chris. L. Reynolds. (G.P.)
Little Mountain,
Queensland. Australia.