Effect of chlorophyll on skin ulcers

Chlorophyll in the treatment of ulcers. Gahan, E., Kline, P., Finkle, T. Arch. Derm. & Syphilo. 1943. 47:849-851. Background: Ulcers of the skin are wounds with a central depression and sometimes “heaped up” borders. They can be caused by a number of factors, but usually start with an incidental or noticeable…

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Chlorophyll used for healing oral conditions

The use of water soluble chlorophyll in oral sepsis. An experimental study of 300 cases. Goldberg S. 1943. Am. J. Surg. 1943;62:117-123. Water soluble chlorophyll was used to treat mouth infections and following dramatic and satisfactory early results, over 300 cases of Vincent’s stomatitis and pyorrhea have been treated. In pyorrhea the use of…

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Skin ulcers improve with chlorophyll

Treatment of chronic ulcers with chlorophyll: Review of a series of fifty cases. Cady, J., Winfield, S. 1948. Am. J. Surg. 75:562-569 Gratifying results followed the application of an ointment containing water-soluble derivatives of chlorophyll (Chloresium) in a hydrophilic base in 50 indolent ulcers. Subjective relief of symptoms was expressed…

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Liver cancer. Chlorophyllin inhibits gene mutation.

Chlorophyllin inhibits carcinogenetic effects of aflatoxin B1 Breinholt, V., Schimerlik, M., Dashwood, R., Bailey, G. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1995. 8: 506-514. Background: Aflatoxin B1 is a toxin produced by a fungus (Aspergillus) which grows on cereal grains, various tree nuts and legumes. It is thought by many to be the most potent…

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Chlorophyllin inhibits aflatoxin carcinogenesis

Chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin-DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer (Qidong , China). Egner, P. et al. 2001. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2001; 98:14601-14606 Residents of the area are at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) partly as a result of ingesting aflatoxin. Chlorophyllin was shown to be an inhibitor…

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Chlorophyllin protects against some cancers

Inhibition of dibenzo [a,l]pyrene-induced multi-organ Carcinogenesis by dietary chlorophyllin in rainbow trout. Reddy, AP., Harttig, U., Barth, MC., Baird, WM., Schimerlik, M., Hendricks, JD., and Bailey, GS., Molecular Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention, 1999 Background: Previous studies had established that eating a diet high in fruits and green vegetables can protect…

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Wound healing wrongly attributed to chlorophyll

Brett, DW. Wounds, 17(7):190-195. 2005. Background: Chlorophyllin, derived from the plant pigment, chlorophyll, has been used for many years to accelerate wound healing and to provide odour control.  Chlorophyllin also shows activity as an anti-coagulation and an anti-inflammatory agent. These actions of chlorophyllin explain, at least to some extent, its…

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Leukemia cells may be eliminated by chlorophyll

Pheophorbide a, a moiety of chlorophyll a, induces apoptosis in human lymphoid leukemia Molt 4B cells. Hibasami, H. et. al. Int. J. Mol. Med. 2000. 6(3):277-9 Background:  Pheophorbide is a product that occurs when chlorophyll—the green plant pigment—breaks down.  Pheophorbide can sensitize cancer cells to light (photosensitization) and is currently…

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Chlorophyllin accelerates surgical wound recovery

Identification of pelvic lymph nodes with chlorophyllin after injection into the uterine cervix: An experimental and clinical study.  Wang H., Tan Y., Wang X., Xie J. Lymphology 2000;34:69-76 Background: Cancer is more severe when it spreads to areas beyond the site of the original tumor (a process called metastasis). When cancer…

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Chlorophyll for skin infections and burns

Dermatologic evaluation of yeast, tyrothricin, chlorophyll and nitrofurazone. Johnson, H. 1948. Arch. Dermatol. Syph. 57:348-351 Background: Dermatologists have a number of powerful drugs at their disposal to treat infections of the skin. Generally speaking, however, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects are for the patient. Researchers…

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